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An 8-Week Course to Get to The Core of Inner Transformation
Opening the Heart:
Dissolving Walls
Healing Stuck Pain
Transforming Relationships
and Unwinding Back to your True Self
Join Cory for his newest 8-week course, where we peel back the layers and get to the heart of what’s controlling your life…so you can release it.
“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers that you have built against it. And embrace them.”
Last year, something incredible happened.
To this day, I still describe it as a miracle.
I proposed to my now wife.
It doesn’t sound like anything out of the ordinary. People get engaged every day.
But if you knew the journey it took to get there…
The ups and downs
The multiple breaks
Trying and failing to let go
Desperately wanting it to work
The heart-wrenching confusion
The refusal to move forward unless it was a full “yes”
The fact that we were broken up for 6 months up until the day we got engaged
And then the spontaneous heart opening that happened on a rooftop in Mexico that gave me the deepest clarity to marry this woman.
Well, you might then understand why I call this a “miracle.”
In short, it felt like a curse was lifted.
Like a wall melted around my heart.
A part of me that was scared of commitment, that kept saying “no” when I thought about taking the next step, completely let go.
It was a young part of me.
It was unconscious.
And it was DEEP.
So deep that even with a decade of meditation practice and thousands of hours of personal growth work, I still wasn’t able to see it.
But there it was, clear as day, thawing like a wall of ice in the desert sun.
And as it did, I was seeing and releasing the beliefs, memories, and fears that put that wall there in the first place.
Early friendship wounds.
Ways I learned that solitude was safer.
Young ideas about what a “perfect partner” was.
…all being revealed and released.
It felt like a psychedelic experience.
Or a dream.
“This can’t actually be happening” I thought.
But it was.
And after 30 minutes of this unwinding, something was very different.
My chest was soft.
My mind felt light.
My heart seemed bigger.
And when I thought about proposing to Brianna, the response was simple:
“Of course.”
I sat in quiet disbelief.
Taking it in with a soft smile and tears in my eyes.
Shortly after, we got engaged.
Seven months later, we were married.
And now we’re expecting our first child.
All unfolding within the current of Truth and Love.
There’s so much more I could share about the details of our journey.
But this isn’t about those details.
And it’s not about getting your dream relationship.
It’s about one thing…
What really happened on that rooftop in Mexico?
That moment of opening that miraculously dissolved all ambiguity.
I have been deeply curious about that moment for the last year and a half.
What was it?
How did it happen?
Can it happen again?
And if so, can it be reverse-engineered?
I haven’t had good answers to that (especially the last question) until recently.
Which brings us to this course.
For the last two months, I’ve had about six more of these experiences.
Calcified internal walls, layered with old beliefs, fears, and emotions, have been dissolving before my eyes, one by one, and subsequently transforming my relationship with other people, myself, and my capacity to truly love my life.
But this time, they’re not spontaneous.
I’m doing a particular practice, in a particular way, that is predictably, and regularly, creating these experiences.
And that’s what I want to share with you over these eight weeks.
If you feel blocked in any way.
If your heart feels shut down.
If you’re holding on to grudges.
If you can’t forgive someone.
If you can’t forgive yourself.
If you’re stuck in regret.
This course is for you.
If you feel insecure.
If you keep yourself small.
If you feel like an imposter.
If you struggle with confidence.
If you feel like you live your life in fear.
This course is for you.
If you feel stuck with a big decision.
If you feel like you sabotage your growth.
If you struggle to connect to an inner compass that could guide your life.
If you feel like a part of you wants one thing but another part of you wants another.
This course is for you.
If you feel like there’s something deep down that is subconsciously keeping you anchored to a certain way of being, relating, expressing–and you can’t quite get to it, despite all the personal growth work you’ve done…
This course is for you.
And if you’re compelled by the prospect of softening the longstanding, outdated, protective walls that prevent you from feeling the full warmth, safety, and gratitude that comes with resting in your true nature…
This course is for you.
Over these 8 weeks, we are going to descend through the layers that guard your heart.
It will make you more loving, open, and connectable, yes.
But my bigger intention?
To get you to the core “blocks” that cause you to stay stuck in the same patterns, sabotage your growth, and keep you in unsatisfying, frustrating relationship dynamics rather than deeply fulfilling, intimate, and connected relationships.
The work I’ll be inviting you into is deep.
This course is structured as a full immersion (as you’ll see in the schedule below), designed to get you to those deeper layers that can only be reached with precise attunement, consistent practice, and a container of safety.
You don’t have to follow the schedule as it’s presented.
Everything will be recorded and you can go at your own pace if you prefer. You’ll have lifelong access to the content.
I’m going to be giving you everything I’ve got over these 8 weeks.
I’ll be fully plugged in, guiding you each step of the way.
I can’t guarantee what your process will be. The inner world often has its own timeline. But what I can guarantee is that if you go through the process, you will do some serious unwinding of the subconscious patterns that run your behavior, and potentially have some of the biggest transformations of your life.
And if you complete the course, and it was not worth your time, I will gladly refund your money. Full heart.
One final note: We will discuss how to navigate trauma energy as it arises. It’s inevitable with this kind of work. But if you have significant trauma, I do recommend having a therapist for extra support. We can offer recommendations if you need them.
I look forward to working with you.
Big love,

Participant Praise
(from the last 8-week course)

Relevant Teachings

Format and Schedule
All sessions hosted LIVE on zoom (and recorded)

Note 1: This is a robust schedule. Many of you will not be able to make all sessions live based on life demands or time zones. That’s okay. All sessions will be offered live AND will be recorded and available to you in perpetuity. You are welcome to attend all sessions live, some sessions live, or no sessions live. In my experience, roughly 30% of attendees attend sessions live.
Week 1: October 30th | 7:00pm – 9:00PM EST
Week 2: November 5th | 10:30AM – 12:30PM EST
Week 3: November 12th | 7:00PM – 9:00PM EST
Week 4: November 19th | 7:00PM – 9:00PM EST
Week 5: November 26th | 7:00PM – 9:00PM EST
Week 6: December 3rd | 7:00PM – 9:00PM EST
Week 7: December 9th | 7:00PM – 9:00PM EST
Week 8: December 16th | 7:00PM – 9:00PM EST
Bonus Week: January 22nd | 10:00AM – 12:00PM EST
Format: These sessions are where I will share new teachings points each week. They will typically also include a practice and sometimes Q&A if there is time after the main teachings.
Note: All weekly sessions will be recorded and immediately available afterwards for you to follow along if you cannot attend live due to schedule or time zone conflicts.
Daily Meditations | LIVE
Daily: Monday – Friday
Length: 30-Minutes Each
Time: Times will vary each day to accommodate different time zones and will be announced for each week 7 days in advance.
Format: To assist your integration of the teachings, and your adherence to practice, I will be offering LIVE daily meditations (guided by me, Cory) that you can attend on Zoom each day between core sessions.
Note: All daily meditations will also be recorded and immediately available afterwards for you to follow along if you cannot attend live.
Q&A with Cory
Q&A # 1: November 15th | 9:30AM – 11:00AM EST
Q&A # 2: November 23rd | 10:00AM – 11:30AM EST
Q&A # 3: December 1st | 9:30AM – 11:00AM EST
Q&A # 3: December 13th | 9:00AM – 10:30AM EST
Format: Q&A sessions are an opportunity for us to dig into the nitty gritty details – What’s coming up for you? Where are you getting stuck? What do you need support on? Even if you don’t need to ask a question, or can’t attend live, it’s incredibly useful to hear what other people are working through.
Note: All Q&A sessions will also be recorded and immediately available afterwards for you to follow along if you cannot join live.
Practice Immersions
Session 1: November 11th | 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM EST
Session 2: November 27th | 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM EST
Session 3: December 11th | 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM EST
Format: Think of these as mini meditation retreats (on zoom). They are immersive bursts of practice, guided by Cory, to accelerate your heart opening process. They are like the conveyer belts at the airport that get you to your gate a little faster.
Note: All practice immersions will also be recorded and immediately available afterwards for you to attend at a time that’s convenient for you. They do not need to be attended in sequence with the rest of the course (i.e. you do not need to watch the recording before attending the next week’s session) and they are not a mandatory part of the course.
Full-Day Retreats
Session 1: November 17th | 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM EST
Session 2: December 7th | 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM EST
Format: These are full-day meditation retreats (on zoom), guided by Cory, designed to soften those extra dense internal walls. If the half-day immersions are like the airport conveyer belts, the full-day immersions are like taking the elevator. Meal breaks will be included.
Note: All full-day retreats will also be recorded and immediately available afterwards for you to attend at a time that’s convenient for you. They do not need to be attended in sequence with the rest of the course (i.e. you do not need to watch the recording before attending the next week’s session) and they are not a mandatory part of the course.

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Pricing & Registration

Cost: $495
Payment Plans Available
- 8 Teaching Sessions
- 30 Daily Meditations
- 3 Q&A Sessions
- 3 Half-Day Retreats
- 2 Full-Day Retreats
- 1 Post-Course Check-In
- Private Group & Forum
- Bonuses Resources
- Lifelong Access to All Content Shared in Course