My name is Cory.
I’ve lived as a monk and studied with some of the world’s leading researchers on happiness. I now help others fall in love with their life.
If you’re new to my work, start with my 30-Day “Fresh Start” course. It will guide you through the process of letting go of what’s no longer serving you, reconnecting to your true self, and building your life from inner alignment. Learn more below.
Start Fresh: A 30-Day Course
Part 1: Let Go
Day 1 Meeting the Mess
Day 2: The Paradox of Letting Go
Day 3: Descend to Transcend
Day 4: Key Ingredient to letting Go
Day 5: Settling into Ease
Day 6: Alchemizing Regrets
Day 7: Forgiving Yourself
Day 8: Forgiving Others
Day 9: Releasing Expectations
Day 10: Hope, Faith, & Surrender
Part 2: Reconnect
Day 11: Moving Stuck Energy
Day 12: Reclaiming Your Body
Day 13: Deep Acceptance
Day 14: Loving Yourself
Day 15: Internal Family Systems
Day 16: Finding The True You
Day 17: Accessing Inner Calm
Day 18: Your Sacred Compass
Day 19: Mind vs Heart vs Soul
Day 20: Standing In Your Power
Part 3: Create
Day 21: The Truth of Manifestation
Day 22: Loving The Mystery
Day 23: Ego vs Soul Desires
Day 24: The Thud of Truth
Day 25: Intuitive Guidance
Day 26: Unlocking Possibility
Day 27: Creating a Beautiful Life
Day 28: Chop Wood Carry Water
Day 29: Creating Good Habit
Day 30: Living With an Open Heart

Other Programs
8-Week Digital Course
Theme: Working With Thoughts
Join Cory for an immersive 8-week course designed to transform your relationship with your mind and thoughts, helping you access deep calm, intuition, and inner freedom.
When oral risperidone is given with an enzyme inducer, slowly titrate the risperidone dose upwards; do not exceed twice the patient’s usual dose. However, the effect is probably due to replacing milk with soda rather than the phosphorus itself [ 20, 21]. Individuals who received acamprosate had a 9% lower risk of returning to any drinking and a 9% higher continuous abstinence duration in comparison with placebo after discontinuing treatment . In comparison, a Japanese registry of primarily adult patients (84.
Udposningen giver som regel først symptomer, når den når envis størrelse – måske over fem centimeter. Det betyder, at han trækker sig fra mor og går ind i en drengeverden, hvor omsorg forbindes med svaghed, siger han. Vandladning Man har svært ved at tømme blæren ordentligt og har hyppigesmå vandladninger, eventuelt også om natten cialis pris. Når barnet fødes, vil man som regel indenfor et døgn automatisk få besøg af en specialsundhedsplejerske.
Los medicamentos broncodilatadores Los medicamentos broncodilatadores permiten dilatar los bronquios y mejorar la molestia respiratoria. Evitar los azúcares rápidos (bombones, pasteles, sodas… Entre los 6 meses y los 2 años y medio irán apareciendo los 20 dientes de leche . Se inyecta el tratamiento a trav s del cat ter, evitando así los numerosos pinchazos.
You can take this medication with or without food. Women and pregnancy In experiments on female rats, atazanavir at doses double that used in people altered menstrual periods. It can also be used to treat gonorrhea (a sexually transmitted infection) . The two blue structures are the bound ligands.
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June 20-22, 2025
Weekend Retreat with Cory on Long Island
Join Cory for a 2.5-day in-person retreat.
Online Masterclass
Theme: Self-Love
Join Cory for a 90-minue masterclass on developing self-love.

Online Masterclass
Theme: Stress & Anxiety
Join Cory for a 90-minute masterclass on stress and anxiety. It will include a meditation, talk, Q&A, and takeaway practices.
How to Lead a Meditation
A 1-Day Training
Join Cory for a day-long workshop on how to guide meditations and teach about mindfulness.

This is for you if: You’re looking for an in-depth, comprehensive overview of what mindfulness meditation is; how to implement it into your life in a way that improves your health; reduces stress/anxiety/depression; how you can change negative thought and behavior patterns; and how to practice a variety of meditations.
Get Your Copy of Cory’s best-selling book “Stop Missing Your Life: How to Be Deeply Present in an Un-Present World”

Cory Muscara is the real deal, and his book is packed with practical, innovative strategies to help you stop living on autopilot and find real happiness.”
—Larry King, Host of Larry King Now

In this book, I will guide you on a journey into the heart of what is required for real change, growth, and happiness.
Need a Speaker?
A large part of my work is traveling the world offering keynotes, workshops, and trainings in a variety of contexts, including Fortune 500 companies such as Prudential, Travelers, Bank of America, Johnson & Johnson, and Colgate; universities including Columbia, NYU, Wharton Business School, and Dartmouth; and multiple different health care systems and schools. If you are interested in learning more about my speaking engagements and offerings, please click the link below to send an email to my team and they’ll be happy to share more to see if it’s the right fit.
“This was, hands-down, the best (and most important) presentation we’ve ever had. It changed my life.”
-Lenore, Prudential Retirement
Reach out to support@corymuscara.com to inquire about having Cory at your event.