Jan. 24

I am not I. “I am not I. I am this one Walking beside me whom I do not see, Whom at times I manage to visit, And at other times I forget. The one who remains silent when I talk, The one who forgives, sweet, when I hate, The one who takes a walk when I am indoors, The...

Jan. 23

Relationships are the gateway to deeper awakening and growth. There is a lot you can learn in solitude. A LOT. In fact, I believe there is certain kind of wisdom that can only be found in silence and solitude. And I also believe there is certain kind of wisdom that...

Jan. 22

This moment is enough. This moment is enough because it’s all you have. You can keep trying to get to different moments, but no future moment will offer lasting satisfaction. If we are interested in attaining peace that transcends the temporary satisfaction of getting...

Jan. 21

It’s important to touch into the space of non-striving. What is it like to just be? To not be caught in the story of who you are, where you’re going, what you need to accomplish? If we never touch into this space of being, to experience what it’s like to live beyond...

Jan. 20

Love the space between stimulus and response. Stop, feel the energy in your body. Feel it wanting to express itself. Don’t condemn; just be curious. Let it be there. Get to know it. Stay with it. Dance with it. Watch what it does. Make friends with that space and that...

Jan. 19

“Sit. Feast on your life.” –Derek Walcott “The time will come when, with elation you will greet yourself arriving at your own door, in your own mirror and each will smile at the other’s welcome, and say, sit here. Eat. You will love again the stranger who was your...